Above is Derry Pope, Performer, Arranger and Vocal Coach.
I first saw Derry performing at an event in Windsor that i covered for Splashlight Magazine.
We recently got together to produce some images for his new site and for general PR use
along with some headshots thrown in for good measure.....
The top image was taken in a very old (and cold) local theatre in Sunninghill, Berks, luckily we found a old piano that we incorporated into the shots to mark that fact that Derry is an accomplished music arranger.
The image below was taken in my local pub that has some great backgrounds and furniture (and an understanding Landlord!) that lend themselves to this type of photography- i'm always on the lookout for free 'temporary' studio possibilities!
The lighting set up for the piano image was one light straight on to Derry with the second from rear left as a hair/back light with a third light onto the red curtain with a red gel on it to really make the colour pop.
Lighting for the bottom image was one gridded light from left and a softbox for fill from the right which gave the image a painterly feeling to it.
I took many more images that day so he had a wide selection to use for his new site.
His current site is here