I recently got together with the fantastic and very funny Diane Spencer (www.dianespencer.tv/) to produce some promo images for her and some images for my forthcoming female portrait business 'GLORIOUS'
As you can see below, i've put the original images with the final uses on Diane's site here for comparison.
Now the technical bit...
To achieve the black background, I had a black backdrop but light does spill from the one flash onto the background so the 'Inverse Square Law' comes into action (you can Google that!)
basically the nearer the light to the subject at a given exposure has more light 'fall off'', so the light doesn't reach the background, thus making it black (to match the background on Diane's site and channel)


The following image of Diane was for some marketing images for my forthcoming female portrait
business, the aptly named- 'GLORIOUS'

Diane changed into a glamorous sparkly top and we took some images in different poses, this one was in front a of a black backdrop so her red hair and golden top jumped out from the background.
I have edited the image to some degree, but you can see Diane's natural beauty with cheekbones to die for........