Monday, 26 November 2012

Corporate Headshot

As well as photographing Actors, i am also called upon to produce Corporate Headshots.
Above is Sir Ian McGeechin OBE, who at the time was ex Director of Rugby for the London Wasps and a very well known figure in the Rugby world.

He was making an inspiring speech to businessmen on behalf of Archer Mathieson at a very early breakfast event at Twickenham Rugby Club, i got there at 7am to set up lighting for his speech and to take some general images of the day.
I wanted to get a picture of Sir Ian with the company logo to tie them together visually so straight after the speech i moved one of the banners away from the stage, put a seat near it, moved the two flashes in position, took some test images, and.........................waited.

Everybody wanted to speak to Sir Ian after his rousing speech so i couldn't get near him for 5 minutes, but i knew they would want this image so i managed to get through the scrum (rugby joke!) and asked him if i could have 5 minutes of his time?
He was very happy to have his photograph taken so i spent a couple of minutes composing images until i had a few variations.

Lighting details are-one bare flash back camera left, one flash in a shoot through umbrella camera right front.

He was a very charming and friendly chap who knew the power of a good photograph!
Later we went into the corridors with employees of Archer Maithieson for some more images with some of the staues of rugby player to keep the theme of rugby in the images.

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